This website is a collection of things that I'm interested in.
The short introduction contains some information about me.
My everyday life is dominated by my job as research assistant at HU Berlin, see Computing Science & Mathematics.
I'm interested in free software and IT in general. The outcome of this interest can be found under FOSS/IT.
Public transport (and the view on urban planning it implies) always played an important role in my life.
I'm an atheist. See the related category, if you like to know what that means (for me).
Politics is a collection of opinions and comments related to day-to-day politics and fundamental questions.
My song texts, prose, radio plays (and their scripts) are packed under the heading: Language and Music. Since the vast majority of this texts is in German, this category will not be translated.
Images and Videos currently contains a small picture gallery.
The category Links contains global links, each category may contain additional specific links.